Essence Girls Basketball

2021 COVID-19 Guidelines and Agreement




  • No player’s parents, guardians, family members, siblings or friends will be allowed in some indoor facilities due to space and capacity. If we are outdoors, parents will be allowed to stay provided social distance is adhered too. Please try to arrive a little early and no more than 10 minutes late.
  • Before leaving the house for an EGB activity, coaches, parents or guardians must complete the following symptom check:
    • Check for a fever or elevated temperature
    • Confirm player does not have a cough, shortness of breath, lack of smell/taste or have unusual tiredness
  • Players and coaches with elevated temperature (over 100.4) or any symptoms must refrain from participation, self-quarantine and wait 7 days to see if symptoms resolve.  If symptoms have not resolved they are suggested to follow up with primary care provider.  If after 7 days they are symptom free, they may return to the next EGB activity.
  • Players and coaches must bring their own hand sanitizer and use before starting activity and post activity, bring their own water bottle and refrain from using drinking fountains or sharing their water bottle with others.
  • Coaches will provide balls that will be sanitized before and after activity.  PLAYERS SHOULD NOT BRING A BALL. 
  • Coaches will be required to conduct the symptom check (detailed in Symptom Check Procedures) prior to the start of activity and/or allowing players to enter activity space. If a player shows consistent symptoms during a workout, coach must remove player from activity contact parents.



  • Prior to beginning an EGB activity or entering a facility, EGB coaches or designated associates will be required to conduct a Temporal Temperature Scan on each player to insure they do not have a temperature over 100.4 and ask the following questions:               
    • Does the player have cough?
    • Does the player have any shortness of breath?
    • Does the player have lack of smell/taste?
    • Does the player have unusual tiredness?
  • Coaches or players will complete the online symptom check form on their phone before the start of every EGB activity and the information will be in an Essence Database for documentation purposes. This will be done before every session/workout/activity until further notice
  • Parents must remove players with elevated temperature (over 100.4) or any symptoms and they must follow the self-quarantine guidelines detailed in Guidelines.
  • Coaches must ensure players use hand sanitizer prior to beginning a EGB activity or entering a facility and following activity.



  •  If a player or coach tests positive for Covid-19 or if they develop symptoms (including early or mild) they should be in isolation until:             
    • IF COVID-19 TESTED - Received 2 negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart, in addition to being symptom free
    • IF NOT COVID-19 TESTED - No fever or symptoms for at least 7 days (7 full days of no fever without medicine that reduces fevers) AND other symptoms are gone AND at least 7 days have passed since symptoms present.
  • BOTH Tested and Non-Tested Individuals MUST:
    • Notify Coach Kim immediately so that others that have been in contact with the individual may be notified.


  • If a player or coach has known close contact (within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more) with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, they are recommended to self-quarantine for 14 days to monitor for the development of symptoms. 

Essence Girls Basketball (EGB) Parent Safety Agreement - Post Covid-19 Quarantine